Ford On Labeouf Shia Labeouf Is Idiot

Veteran Hollywood actor Harrison Ford has called Shia LaBeouf an "idiot" for publicly bashing the latest Indiana Jones franchise where both of them starred.

Ford and LaBeouf worked together for 2008's franchise of the 1989 blockbuster film Indiana Jones titled "Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull" which grossed nearly $800 million worldwide.

But despite its blockbuster turnout, LaBeouf admitted he was disappointed with the revival, insisting he had "dropped the ball" and let devotees down.

"I feel like I dropped the ball on the legacy that people loved and cherished... You can blame it on the writer and you can blame it on (director) Steven (Spielberg). But the actor's job is to make it come alive and make it work, and I couldn't do it..." LaBeouf said, adding "We (Ford and LaBeouf) had major discussions. He wasn't happy with it either."

But on his recent interview with Details magazine, Ford belied what his co-star said and even called him a moron for his reaction: "I think he was an expletive idiot. As an actor, I think it's my obligation to support the film without making a complete a** of myself. Shia is ambitious, attentive, and talented - and he's learning how to deal with a situation which is very unique and difficult."
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